Lucy aims to ignite a joyous journey of creative discovery for young children by combining her acting experience in film, theatre, and voice with her passion for education.
With easy-to-follow videos and live performances that encapsulate music, dance, and storytelling, Lucy explores themes with children about sustainability, positive self-reflection, and a delight in learning about the world around them.
Growing up in the expansive Australian Outback, Lucy was free to frolic on the farm for hours, exploring the wonders of nature. She had an innate passion for writing songs and creating live performances, even if her only audience was the sheep and kangaroos!
Lucy combines her unique London-trained advanced diploma in acting and her wealth of primary school teaching knowledge to create authentic learning experiences. Through a creative educational approach, Lucy aims to inspire a connection to the natural world and a positive sense of self. Lucy collaborates with local musicians and performing artists to create immersive and interactive participation for babies through the early years.
She weaves her voice coaching experience into her performances. Lucy believes that communication through spoken voice and deep listening is the "greatest tool for children to express their personal uniqueness, desires, and dreams".
Her subtle shifts in vocal expression, free simple body movements, and vibrant personality encapsulates children's attention, whilst expanding their self-confidence.
Lucy provides a broad focus of educational content covering song, physical activity, storytelling, music, and games. During live performances, Lucy can bring smiles and joy to children's faces. Lucy's mission is to help children understand their importance in creating a world that celebrates nature and honours the people within it.
Let's get ready, SeaStar Rockers! Book Now!