Empowering Voice
Lucy's performing arts background and voice coaching experience allow her to weave expressive tones that excite and captivate the listener. Through voice, children are encouraged to express themselves freely. The practice of expressive tones and linguistics that Lucy uses in her performances assists children's cognitive understanding. The easy-to-understand lyrics also promote listening engagement and language skills that are helpful for early learning development. Promotion of uniqueness is encouraged and through Lucy’s creative educational videos, little minds can find their courage and their voice to be able to help share their aspirations and dreams.

Empowering Voice for Teachers and Parents
Voice workshops are available for educators and parents to assist in developing profound communication through speaking and listening. Lucy combines her acting training and her voice coaching studies to create sessions that assist with providing vocal care, health, and vocal expressions. Whether it is to refine existing skill sets or learn something new, Lucy can provide tuition with her unique training that will leave you feeling confident with your newfound voice.